A Newbie’s Guide to Google+ for Business

google plus for businessI highly recommend introducing yourself to Google+ and get familiar with how easy it is to connect with friends/family, follow interesting people, and choose who to share information with.

Essentially, Google+ is a merger of several services the general public already employs.
Here are brief descriptions of what Google+ offers for the average person: Google+ Circles organized by friends, family, and topic. Google+ Hangouts, virtual rooms so you can video chat with people in your circles. Google+ has a variety of ways to share information like instant photo uploading with your Android phone, share streams of updates and text with friends, and plans are due for iPad compatibility coming soon. Google+ Play section enables you to share music, books, and films. Google+ Events and Google+ Local are excellent sources for obtaining information about upcoming events/social gatherings in real time and local attractions in your area.

The benefits of knowing what Google+ for business has to offer. Google+ is not just another social networking site, but rather a new dynamic social networking business site full of services and mobile applications. Google+ is offering through their many Pages like Event and Local allowing business organizations, companies, and publications to set up page profiles and syndicating their posts for advertising/updates/commercial use. Google+ Pages is basically a clone of Facebook’s Page application that is very effect. Having a Google account and Google+ connection is not only beneficial to businesses, but smart in today’s fast-paced information society.

Using all of Google+ features for business combined with Apps will allow employers and employees to advertise their company, share privately, instant messages, VOIP phone calls, photos, video meetings, news, events, and company updates. Google+ is setting their sights on full customization for organizations, businesses, and corporations. Utilizing Google+ Events and Google+ Local is so smoothly integrated with Google Maps/Calendar/Rating/Photos information allowing users to view locations directly and instantly.

Mastering Local Google plus for business

FREE 28 Page Book Below

Mastering all the top-notch features Google+ offers is important for the small to large businesses to connect with customers and allows the smaller-local business to “get-on-the -map” for customers looking for services offered in their own town. The best way to start with Google+ is to create an online account and explore all the major features it offers. Google has become a powerhouse of competition that is predicted to rival its competitors like Facebook and Twitter for the leading source of doing social/business networking. Google has combined all their services/properties into one giant search and social media engine for the benefit of individuals and for the average business owner who can be easily access it from any mobile devices. Setting up a Local Google+ Business Page is easy to do and is essential for optimum business growth. The future of business and communication will be on social/business networks like Google+.

Learn all there is to know about Google+ for Business and stay ahead of the competition. For immediate access to this 28 page powerhouse of google+ info – fill in the form on the right >>


Kev Webster writes regularly about trending Internet Marketing topics on his blog at http://kevwebster.com. Specialising in Web Design, SEO, youtube ranking and video marketing.

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